The Elkins Depot Dispatch (June 2021)

The Welcome Center has opened its doors!
Join Monongahela National Forest to Celebrate National Trails Day
From Huttonsville follow US 250 for nine miles, then turn right on Forest Road 227. Follow Forest Road 227 for about six miles to the Mower Basin Trails sign. Turn left onto Forest Road 227C and follow it for about ¾-mile to the Mower Basin Trailhead.
Other Updates
The New Tygart Flyer excursion train will be pulling into the Elkins Depot again starting in July! Reminder: if you are taking the Durbin Rocket or one of the Cass trains, they do NOT leave from Elkins!
The Gandy Dancer Dinner Theatre has started their season with shows taking place on the weekends!
Upcoming Events
The Thursday Night Cruise-Ins and Concerts have begun! The Cruise-Ins will take place every Thursday starting at 5pm. The concerts will take place select Thursdays. The next concert will feature The Company Stores on June 10th.
On Saturday, June 12th join the Beverly Heritage Center for their summer picnic soiree for a social hour and dinner. Dinner Tickets are $45 and you can RSVP at 304-637-7424 or at!
Feature Blogs
Mountains to Valleys – Twisted by Nature Motorcycle Routes
Updated fishing blog: West Virginia’s Unknown Fishing Paradise
Recreate Responsibly in Randolph County: Leave No Trace