Tourist Information
Check out Elkins-Randolph County Tourism for updates on what is happening in Randolph County every weekend as well as places to stay, eat, and explore. Want immediate updates? Follow them on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter: @elkinsrandolphwv.
Visit the Beverly Heritage Center to discover more about the town, historic buildings and the museum which offer local and Civil War information.
To find out more about what is happening around West Virginia, go to the WV Tourism webpage or pick-up a West Virginia Travel Guide at the Elkins Depot Welcome Center.
Government Sites:
– For further information on the City of Elkins go to their webpage and learn more about this wonderful small town.
– The County Commission offers a site that provides additional information regarding Randolph County.
– WV Department of Transportation 511 lets you check the road conditions for all the major highways across West Virginia on an interactive map.