The Elkins Depot Dispatch (July 2021)

July, 2021, Issue No. 10
Hello Summer!
Tourism season is in full swing and we are seeing an increase in visitors to the Welcome Center. We are so glad to be welcoming more visitors and look forward to getting even busier in July with trains running from Elkins again. If you’re in the area and looking for ideas and activities, be sure to check out our calendar of events to see all Randolph County has to offer!
Heritage Highlight: Civilian Conservation Corps
Did you know that Randolph County was home to 9 Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps? The CCC was a work relief program that provided hundreds of thousands of jobs during the Great Depression as part of President FDR’s “New Deal”. In West Virginia, the CCC worked on forest service and State Park land to prevent fires, survey and protect wildlife, manage timber production, build roads, and develop recreation areas that are still enjoyed today. Although little remains of the camps themselves, the improvements made by these workers left a lasting legacy on our recreational infrastructure.
Featured Blogs
Other Updates
The Welcome Center is open 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm. Stop in and say hi!
Upcoming Events
The Beverly Heritage Center is hosting the first annual Rich Mountain Fun Run and Memorial March! Join the Heritage Center July 10 from 10am to 5pm to walk, run, or march down Rich Mountain into Beverly. Kids under 12 are free and adults are $10. Questions? Email [email protected].